New Mexico GOP Secretary of State Candidate Audrey Trujillo Lies Again


Audrey Trujillo, the Republican candidate for New Mexico Secretary of State, is a liar. 

The researchers at NMGoP Uncovered have spent a lot of time monitoring Audrey Trujillo. We've done this for a reason; Audrey likes to lie A LOT.

In June, 2022, we published Audrey Trullijo; "Antifa Peed my Bed" and Audrey Trujillo, Christian Nationalist brief discussions of Trujillo's lies regarding her Twitter account @AudreyTrueHero and various racist and Christian Nationalist posts. 


After her tweets became the target of NM State Representatives Steve McQueen and Brian Engoff and the local newspaper, the Albuquerque Journal, began investigating, Trujillo quickly locked and changed the name of her @AudreyTrueHero Twitter account. 

On July 24th, 2022, Audrey Trujillo tweeted the following from her account @AudreyT4NMSOS, "Attacks by both sides of the parties for being honest to the citizens of NM? Proof, you're doing it right! Lies, threats, and conspiring against me and the "People's" campaign only makes me work harder to bring honesty, integrity, confidence back into our election" [sic].

Trujillo denied she controlled that account when asked about her Anti-Semitic, often racist, and Christofascist tweets made under @AudreyTrueHero.
"This is my political account. The other account was a fake profile that was reported and taken down. There were multiple from different sources. My IT person is investigating were [sic] they came from. That's part of social media and the lack of security we deal with." 

This is a lie. 

Using a new OSINT tool created by Travis Brown, we can track the changes in an individual's Twitter account. In this case, we used @AudreyT4NMSOS.

The tool shows that@AudreyT4NMSOS was changed from @AudreyTrueHero sometime between July 7th and July 10th, 2022. Further, the report indicates that the @AudreyTrueHero and @AudreyT4NMSOS have been archived on multiple times.

Finally, when looking at the creation date of both @AudreyTrueHero and @AudreyT4NMSOS, both accounts were created in September of 2020. 

Audrey Trujillo is a liar. If she'll lie about her social media activities, what else is she lying about?


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